
发布时间:2019-05-27 17:17


在科技飞速发展,大数据、AI、VR、AR等新词汇不绝于耳的当下,道合投资成立了—数字景观 ,探索信息时代下垂直领域新方向。



Digital Landscape

With the rapid progress of science and technology, big data, AI, VR, AR and other new words can be heard constantly, DONEHOME company invested to set up “Digital Terrain Landscape” to explore the new orientations in vertical domain in the information age.

Digital terrain landscape is a provider of spatial data, digital design, and intelligent management platform; devoted to bring digital world into space design and management. We provide professional, integrated solutions and products based on services from data collection, digital analysis, forms design and parameterized work-flow to big data visualization interactive platform.

