
发布时间:2019-05-27 17:15


Respect nature, in line with local conditions



Just as every inch of land has its connotation and every home has its own story, DONEHOME explores the integration of ecology, vision and human relations instead of simply creating an ideal world.




Residential Landscape

每一寸土地都有含义,每一个家都有自己的故事,我们不单纯创造桃花源,而是将生态、视觉、人与人的关系去探索融合 ... ...

Just as every inch of land has its connotation and every home has its own story, DONEHOME explores the integration of ecology, vision and human relations instead of simply creating an ideal world.




【Commercial Landscape】

从集市到Shopping mall,从广场到写字楼,不同的商业环境我们赋予它不同的美,所以,请敬畏我们寸土寸金的景致,它不仅提升视觉享受,更是对美好生活的憧憬... ...

From street markets to shopping malls, from plazas to office buildings, we confer different commercial contexts with different beauties, therefore, please revere our rare precious scenery in that it not only enhances visual enjoyment but also visions of better life...




Public Landscape

从南到北,从东到西。为构建永续风景,我们参与了无数次的城市景观建设。请敬畏一座有景观的城市,它托起上亿人的梦想... ..

From south to north, from east to west, DONEHOME has participated in numerous urban landscape developments so as to create a sustainable scenery. Therefore, please revere landscaped city in that it holds the dreams of hundreds of millions people



DONEHOME public landscape services cover various types’ projects such as urban planning, urban park, wetland park and waterfront landscape, urban restoration and repair, road landscape, tourism resort planning, school & enterprise community landscape, commercial & residence landscape, municipal road landscape, ecological restoration, agricultural tourism and tourism planning, countryside complex EPCO, etc.

